
Software Engineer Intern, Checkmarx

July 2023 - September 2023

Worked on a production codebase, giving support to the Checkmarx SAST product.

Mentor & Responsible of Technology, CoderDojo Braga.

Oct 2022 - Present

Mentor & Volunteer, CoderDojo Braga

Oct 2021 - Oct 2023

Mentored young individuals aged 7-17 in programming & responsible for the maintenance and development of the CoderDojo Braga platforms, with a frontend written in Next.js and a backend in Elixir Phoenix

Co-Director of CAOS Department (development team), CeSIUM

Oct 2023 - Present

Co-Director of Pedagogical Department, CeSIUM

Oct 2022 - Oct 2023

Responsible for the maintenance and development of the CeSIUM platforms where I used Elixir with Phoenix LiveView aswell Astro and Next.js.


University of Minho

From Oct 2021 - Present

Bachelor student in Software Engineering

  • Python
  • Haskell
  • C
  • Elixir
  • Go
  • Solidity
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Phoenix
  • Next.js
  • Astro
© 2024 Daniel Pereira