Hey there 👋
I'm Daniel Pereira
Software Engineering Student

Hey there, I’m Daniel Pereira and I’m currently a final year Software Engineering student at University of Minho.

I’m a true technology enthusiast at heart. If you catch me, I’m probably elbow-deep in neovim, most likely breaking some stuff, and other than vim, I’m also a big fan of the Elixir programming language.

At Uni I’ve always tried to be active outside of my course work. I’ve been part of CeSIUM (Software Engineering Students Association of UMinho) where I’ve contributed to the development of open source projects and also helped organize events for the student community.

When I’m out there in the real world, you can find me surfing, practicing Jiu-Jitsu, playing some games or just hanging out with friends.

© 2024 Daniel Pereira